All Posts Tagged: Epilepsy

Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management- part 3

The parents of Ali, a 6-month-old boy, visit Pediatric Neurology Clinic at The Heart Medical Center, Al Ain because they are concerned about some strange episodes he has been having over the previous three weeks. The episodes usually occur soon after he has woken but may sometimes happen as he is about to go to sleep. In […]

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Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management- part 2

Hamad, a 13-month-old infant, presents to the emergency department of his local hospital in Abu Dhabi with his first prolonged tonic−clonic afebrile seizure. He has experienced three febrile seizures in the past. The first two occurred at eight months of age due to a chest infection. They were prolonged, lasting over 15 minutes, and he […]

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Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management – Part 1

Al Yazia is a 6-year-old girl whose teachers have suggested that her parents take to a pediatrician. They have noticed that she seems to have problems listening and to be daydreaming a lot in class. The pediatrician asks whether her parents have also seen her daydream. Her mother has, but has not thought much about […]

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