Adult Cardiology

Our center offers access to adult cardiology services for all types of cardiovascular disease. Our staff includes cardiologists, heart surgeons and nurse practitioners.

Services provided by adult cardiology:

Transthoracic, Transesophageal & Intracardiac Echocardiography

  • Transthoracic Echo (TTE):
    This is an ultrasound of the heart; the corner stone of diagnosing structural heart abnormalities.
  • Transesophegeal Echo (TEE):
    This is an ultrasound of the heart through a small camera inserted in the esophagus & stomach (when needed). Usually performed under sedation or anesthesia.
  • Intracardiac Echo (ICE):
    This ultrasound of the heart is performed from ‘within’ the heart. The catheter that contains the camera is inserted in the vein into the heart chambers. This is usually performed during interventional cardiac catheterization procedures.

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

The Electrocardiogram is a graphical representation of the electrical work of heart muscle. It is useful in looking for heart rhythm problems, heart enlargement and other cardiac problems.

24-hour ECG (Holter) & Cardiac Event Monitor

The Holter is a device that is worn and attached to patient’s chest to record the heart rhythm over 1-2 days.
The Event Monitor on other hand operates wirelessly and is smaller than the Holter. It is used over long periods to record the ECG when needed at home, and is activated during the ‘event’ by either the patient or a parent.

Arrhythmia Management & Pacemaker Programing

The pacemaker is ‘interrogated’ its settings adjusted on regular basis using a special computer (Programmer).

Exercise (Stress) Testing

The Exercise (Stress) Test shows how well the patient’s heart works and adjusts to different levels of activity.
The workload achieved by running a specified distance helps diagnose various cardiac abnormalities as well guide children exercise capacity and sports participation

Interventional Cardiac Catheterization

Certain cardiac defects can be managed in the cath lab without surgery. Cardiac Catheterization is a procedure performed in affiliated hospitals by our cardiologists to treat patients cardiologist practicing ICCheart defect using special techniques and a tools.
Such techniques perform the repair without surgically opening the chest and heart.

Cardiac MRI

In this unique and state-of-the-art investigation, our cardiologist can obtain detailed 3D pictures and information from all chambers of the heart to aid in diagnosis, and guide therapy. Cardiac MRI is performed in affiliated hospitals by cardiologist

Conditions treated

  • Congenital or acquired heart disease.
  • Heart rhythm disorders.
  • Heart murmurs.
  • High blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Heart failure.
  • Childhood and adolescent obesity.
  • Chest pain.
  • Syncope and fainting.